340B a Safe Haven From Drugmakers’ Worst Overpricing Practices

by Admin | March 12, 2015 3:04 pm

Congratulations to John Rother of the National Coalition on Health Care, who wrote a great piece about 340B in Morning Consult on March 5. The 340B program, he says, gives safety-net hospitals and other providers “a safe haven” from the drug industry’s “worst overpricing practices.”

“The anti-340B campaign is fundamentally a means to distract lawmakers from the fact that currentĀ drugĀ prices are unsustainable,” he writes. Read his complete essay here[1].

The National Coalition on Health Care takes the lead in the Campaign for Sustainable Rx Pricing, an umbrella group dedicated to finding market-based solutions to the problems caused by the onslaught of new high-priced prescription medicines. Before joining NHNC, Rother was an executive vice president of AARP.

  1. here: http://morningconsult.com/opinions/congress-shouldnt-raise-drug-prices-need/

Source URL: https://340binformed.org/2015/03/340b-a-safe-haven-from-drugmakers-worst-overpricing-practices/