The federal government recently released information on the total purchases that hospitals, health centers, and clinics made through the 340B drug pricing program in 2022. The Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) reported that these … [Read More...]

Ideas for 340B Changes Could Lead to Legislation
Print ArticleAmid complaints about unilateral drug company restrictions on the 340B drug pricing program and mounting pressure from industry-backed advocates for even more 340B changes to favor drugmakers, a bipartisan group of six U.S. senators have taken a proactive step by asking for ideas to ensure “stability” for 340B. This move came in the form […]

Help From 340B After a Rare Diagnosis and an Unaffordable Bill
Print ArticleNov. 27, 2023— Gary Chandler was in good company when he visited Ascension Via Christi St. Francis in Wichita, Kansas, because he was feeling unwell. One-quarter of patients at the health system’s three hospitals in the Wichita area are on Medicaid or are uninsured, like Chandler was when he came in. But his diagnosis […]
Research Illustrates Critical Role 340B Plays for Rural Hospitals and Patients
Sept. 7, 2023— Recent peer-reviewed research illustrates one of the many ways 340B savings bolster the nation’s rural hospitals and the communities and patients who rely on them for care. The findings help enrich a deep and growing evidence base … [Read More...]
New Research Finds No Evidence 340B Discounts Affect Prescribing
June 15, 2023— Newly published research illustrates that while 340B hospitals tend to treat patients who are sicker and in greater need of care, they do not prescribe more expensive drugs than non-340B hospitals after those differences are taken into … [Read More...]
UPDATED: Drugmakers Cutting 340B Discounts Reported Record Revenues in 2021
January 13, 2023– Note: This story is updated to include information for Biogen, which announced 340B restrictions in December 2022. The 19 drug companies that have imposed restrictions on safety-net hospital access to 340B drug pricing program … [Read More...]
For Patients, Symptoms of Drugmaker 340B Restrictions Include Shortness of Breath, Hospitalization
Dec. 23, 2022— The examples of worsened health outcomes for patients from drug company restrictions on 340B pricing to safety-net hospitals continue to mount. At Riverside Regional Medical Center in Virginia, one discharged patient with diabetes … [Read More...]
End to Medicare 340B Payment Cuts in Sight
Dec. 9, 2022— On Jan. 1, hospitals participating in the 340B drug pricing program will start off the new year with something they have not had since 2017 – full Medicare payment rates for 340B-purchased drugs. While those hospitals say the end to the … [Read More...]
340B Helps Replace Emergency Care with Coordinated Care
Nov. 22, 2022— No patient should be showing up in the emergency department as many as 20 times per year because of their chronic health conditions. But nearly a decade ago, the staff at Hennepin Healthcare in Minneapolis were noticing this happening … [Read More...]